Saturday, August 31, 2019

Piaget vs. Jung

Piaget *Missing Works Cited* Piaget work has received world wide acclaim and recognition , as well as having a positive impact in areas such as education and social curricula. Though he had made an impact on understanding of the child cognitive development , his theory of cognitive development has suffered a great deal of critics that it neglects the social nature of human development. (Hook, Watts and Cockroft ,2002). So the following essay will discuss on whether this critic is valid or not based on detail discussion of Piaget theory. The theory of Vygotsky shall also be discussed to prove that indeed social factors play a role . Piaget theory of cognitive development neglects the influence of social factors on child cognitive development. (Hook et al ,2002)As stated by Hook et al (2002,p. 190)in agreement with critics like Piaget theory gave insufficient attention to the ways in which children social interaction with their sibling or parents may influence their cognitive development† . Justification of this critic is provided by the fact that Piaget (1952)saw children as lone scientist who sought to understand and build knowledge of their external world through interaction with the world . According to Piaget as stated in Siegel &Brainerd(1978)cognitive development depend on two factors , internal maturation and external maturation . That is children are incapable of learning some tasks until they reached a certain age When considering cognitive development , Piaget focuses on the mental processes that occur, rather than on the actual measure of the cognitive development. Clearly justification to this critic of insufficient has been provided by the fact that Piaget sees children as the lone scientists who sought to understand and build knowledge of their external world their interaction with it (Hooketal ,2002). According to Piaget (1960)children actively construct their own cognitive world , he also stated that information is not just poured into children minds from the environment . Clearly this critic of insufficient attention to social factors was justified . According to Piaget (1952)as stated in Hook et al (2002p180)†much of what child learns begin by accident –The child accidentally performs some action , perceives it , like it and then repeats the action assimilating it into her or his existing schemes . The above quotation provides evidence that Piaget theory neglected social factors that plays a role on cognitive development of the child. Piaget devised four stages of development spanning from birth to adolescence. The stages progress in an invariant sequence, a child moves systematically through stages and advancement into the next stage depends on the mastery of the proceeding one (1952) The succession of stages involves the movement through that four stages. According to Piaget (1952) Children must move through these stages during their childhood. These include Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concreteoperational, and Formal operational. Stage movement is an important factor of Piaget's definition of cognitive development, because Piaget (1960) states that there are a specific set of criteria that must be met and mastered at each stage. In order to move from the first stage to the next, the child must master that specific set of criteria. (Siegel & Brainerd,1978) One may argue that Piaget uses biological approach, or biological adaption to discuss the cognitive development of the child. This includes our reflexes which occur when certain stimuli trigger an instinctive response. Piaget theory explains how child cognitive develops through an intellectual regulatory process geared by adaption to the environment. (Siegel & Brainerd,1978). During this on going relationship with the environment the child exhibits certain organisations based upon assimilation, the taking in process of experience, accepting new encounters and fitting them into existing schemes, and accommodation , the reaction of the individual who encounters new experiences that are not consistent with existingschemes and so the person must change their scheme to accept or accommodate the new information(Hook et al, 2002,Siegel& brainerd, Piaget ,1960,Tryphon & voneche,1996 ,1978) . Piaget felt that a baby is an active and curious organism, that reaches out and seeks to regulate a balance between assimilation and accommodation. This balance is what Piaget describes as equilibrium. Piaget considered the process of equilibrium an important factor in the cognitive growth and development of a child. (Piaget , 1952) This was the ground were he was criticize because he said that children must be allowed to do their own learning(Piaget,1952). Lourenco & Machado (1996)in defense of Piaget theory realized that Piaget has took into consideration the fact that humans progressively develop or mature to higher states of cognitive development and realized that children acquire knowledge transmitted by parents, teachers ,and books, Piaget called this â€Å"social transmission. † Piaget believed that when a child hears contradictory statements that challenge established schemes, equilibrium is disturbed. Piaget called such a disruption in equilibrium cognitive conflict or disequilibrium. When children experience cognitive conflict they set out in search of an answer that will enable them to achieve states of equilibrium. (Lourenco & Machado,1996) Justification of this critique was also provided by Vygotsky theory of development . Vygotsky (1929) believes that adults and child’s peers are involved in shaping cognitive development of the child. As stated by Vygotsky (1929) through social activities a child learns cultural tools and social inventions . These according to Vygotsky (1929) includes language, rules and counting. Vygotsky theory is one theory that has provided justification to the critics that Piaget gave insufficient attention to social factors. Mentioned on the second page Piaget (1952) contended that cognitive development is constructed into four stages . The following paragraph will examine each stage individually focusing on social factors that he ignore on each and every stage. The sensorimotor stage is the first of the four stages Piaget uses to define cognitive development. Piaget designated the first two years of an infants life as the sensorimotor stage. During this period, infants are busy discovering relationships between their bodies and the environment. Researchers have discovered that infants have relatively well developed sensory abilities. The child relies on seeing, touching, sucking, feeling, and using their senses to learn things about themselves and the environment. Piaget calls this the sensorimotor stage because the early manifestations of intelligence appear from sensory perceptions and motor activities. Through countless informal experiments, infants develop the concept of separate selves, that is, the infant realizes that the external world is not an extension of themselves. According to Piaget(1952)Infants at this stage realize that an object can be moved by a hand and develop notions of displacement and events. An important discovery during the latter part of the sensorimotor stage is the concept of object permanence. Object permananceis the awareness that an object continues to exist even when it is not in view. In young infants, when a toy is covered by a piece of paper, the infant immediately stops and appears to lose interest in the toy. After a child has mastered the concept of object permanence, the emergence of directed groping begins to take place. With directed groping, the child egins to perform motor experiments in order to see what will happen. (Hook et al, 2002) During directed groping, a child will vary his movements to observe how the results will differ. The child learns to use new means to achieve an end. The child discovers he can pull objects toward himself with the aid of a stick or string, or tilt objects to get them through the ba rs of his playpen(Hook et al,2002). The concrete operational stage is the third stage in Piaget's theory. This stage typically occurs between the ages of 7 and 12(Hook et al , 2002) During this stage, the child begins to reason logically, and organise thoughts coherently. However, they can only think about actual physical objects, they cannot handle abstract reasoning. This stage is also characterized by a loss of egocentric thinking. During this stage, the child has the ability to master most types of conservation experiments, and begins to understand reversibility. (Piaget 1952,Maier,1978 and Hook et al , 2002). The concrete operational stage is also characterized by the child's ability to coordinate two dimensions of an object simultaneously, arrange structures in sequence, and transpose differences between items in a series. The formal operational stage is the fourth and final stage in Piaget's theory. It begins at approximately 11 to 12 years of age, and continues throughout adulthood, although Piaget does point out that some people may never reach this stage of cognitive development. The formal operational stage is characterized by the ability to formulate hypotheses and systematically test them to arrive at an answer to a problem. The individual in the formal stage is also able to think abstractly and to understand the form or structure of a mathematical problem. Another characteristic of the individual is their ability to reason contrary to fact. That is, if they are given a statement and asked to use it as the basis of an argument they are capable of accomplishing the task. For example, they can deal with the statement â€Å"what would happen if snow were black†. Mental hospital in Zurich, a famous medical hospital. He studied under Eugen Bleuler, who was a famous psychiatrist who defined schizophrenia. Jung was also influenced by Freud with whom he later became good friends. Freud called him his crown-prince. Their relationship ended when Jung wrote a book called â€Å"Symbols of Transformation. † Jung disagreed with Freud's undamental idea that a symbol is a disguised representation of a repressed wish. I will go into that later. After splitting up with Freud, Jung had a 2 year period of non- productivity, but then he came out with his â€Å"Psychological Types,† a famous work. He went on several trips to learn about primitive societies and archetypes to Africa, New Mexico to study Pueblo Indians, and to India and Ceylon to study eastern philosophy. He studied religious and occult beliefs like I Ching, a Chinese method of fortune telling. Alchemy was also one of his interests. His book, â€Å"Psychology and Alchemy,† published in 1944 is among his most important writings. He studied what all this told about the human mind. One of his methods was word association, which is when a person is given a series of words and asked to respond to them. Abnormal response or hesitation can mean that the person has a complex about that word. His basic belief was in complex or analytical psychology. The goal is psychosynthesis, or the unification and differentiation of the psyche (mind). He believed that the mind started out as a whole and should stay that way. That answered structural, dynamic, developmental questions. I will attempt to restate the major ideas and terms in this book in a pseudo- outline. It will make the understanding a bit more clear. STRUCTURE ——— DYNAMICS ——– The psyche . There are some channels into the psyche through which ene rgy can enter in form of experiences. If the psyche were a totally closed systems, it could reach a state of perfect balance, for it would not be subjected to interference from the outside. The slightest stimulus may have far-reaching consequences on one's mental stability. This shows that it is not the amount of energy that is added, but the disruptive effects that the added energy produces within the psyche. These disruptive effects are caused by massive redistributions of energy within the system. It takes only the slightest pressure on the trigger of a loaded gun to cause a great disaster. Similarly, it may take only the slightest addition of energy to an unstable psyche to produce large effects in a person's behavior. Psychic energy is also called Libido. It is not to be confused with Freud's definition of libido. Jung did not restrict libido to sexual energy as Freud did. In fact, this is one of the essential differences in the theories of the two men. It can be classified as actual or potential forces that perform psychological work. It is often expressed in desires and wants for objects. The values for things are hidden in complexes. The psyche is always active, yet it is still very difficult for people to accept this view of a continuously active psyche, because there is a strong tendency to equate psychic activity with conscious activity. Jung, as well as Freud, hammered away at this misconception, but it persists even today. The source of psychic energy is derived from one's instincts and diverted into other uses. Like a waterfall is used to create energy, you have to use your instincts to turn into energy as well. Otherwise, just like the waterfall, your instincts are completely fruitless. For example, if you think that to get a beautiful wife, you have to be rich, so you direct your sexual drive into a business persona, which will bring you money. There are two principles of psychic dynamics. What happens to all that energy? 1. Principle of Equivalence. Energy is not created nor destroyed. If it leaves something, it has to surface. For example, if a child devoted a lot of energy to reading comics, it might be redirected into a different persona, som ething like being Mr. Cool Dude! He then will loose interest in reading comics. Energy also has an inclination to carry tendencies of its source to its destination. 2. Principle of Entropy. Energy usually flows from high to low. If you have a highly developed structure (persona, for example), instead of equalizing, it may start drawing values from other systems to boost itself even higher. Such highly energized systems have a tendency to go BOOOOM! So, entropy can destroy those high energy systems if they get too big. The operation of the entropy principle results in an equilibrium of forces. Just like two bodies of different temperatures touching each other would soon equalize temperatures. The hotter one will transfer heat to the cooler one. Once a balance is reached in your psyche, according to Jung, it will be then difficult to disturb. Tho se two principles influence the following: Progression and Regression. Progression is the advance of psychological adaptation. For example, if you need a shadow (creativity, perhaps), you will try to develop one. When conflicting traits loose power, your psyche enters regression. Say, your persona and shadow are in opposition and because they are in opposition, they both would be suppressed, because neither would get enough libido, or energy. DEVELOPMENT ———– During this stage, an individual establishes his/her position in life. His vocation and marriage partner are determined. A person usually uses his Anima and Shadow to decide those things. Values are channeled into his establishment in the outside world. Once one is independent, even a small experience can influence him greatly. The Middle Age is the one often neglected by psychiatrists. Lots of people have problems in this stage. They usually don't know what to do with the energy left over that was devoted to establishing positions in society as youth. As the principle of entropy suggests, the energy is conserved, so once an adult put it to use, he must redirect it elsewhere. Jung stated that those left-over energies can be usefully diverted into spiritual contemplation and expansion. Nothing much happens in old age. People have so much energy of experiences in their psyche that even a major experience won't upset their psychological balance. Often, society will force people to assume prefered types. Types are categories of classifications of psyches which are non-absolute and have no definite boundaries. There are eight â€Å"types. † Types are combinations of functions and attitudes (page 3). The following are the eight main types: 1. Extraverted Thinking Type. This type of man elevates objective thinking into the ruling passion of his life. He is typified by the scientist who devotes his energy to learning as much as he can about the objective world. The most developed extraverted thinker is an Einstein. 2. Introverted Thinking Type. This type is inward-directed in his thinking. He is exemplified by the philosopher or existential psychologist who seeks to understand the reality of his own being. He may eventually break his ties with reality and become schizophrenic. 3. Extraverted Feeling Type. This type, which Jung observes is more frequently found in women, subordinates thinking to feeling. 4. Introverted Feeling Type. This type is also more commonly found among women. Unlike their extraverted sisters, introverted feeling persons keep their feelings hidden from the world. 5. Extraverted Sensation Type. People of this type, mainly men, take an interest in accumulating facts about the external world. They are realistic, practical, and hardheaded, but they are not particularly concerned about what things mean. 6. Introverted Sensation Type. Like all introverts, the introverted ensation type stands aloof from external objects, immersing himself in his own psychic sensations. He considers the world to be banal and uninteresting. 7. Extraverted Intuitive Type. People of this type, commonly women, are characterized by flightiness and instability. They jump from situation to situation to discover new possibilities in the external world. They are always looking for new worlds to c onquer before they have conquered old ones. 8. Introverted Intuitive Type. The artist is a representative of this type, but it also contains dreamers, prophets, visionaries, and cranks. He usually thinks of himself as a misunderstood genius. Variations in the degree to which each of the attitudes and functions are consciously developed or remain unconscious and undeveloped can produce a wide range of differences among individuals. This book is an extremely valuable source of thought provoking logic. Jung wrote with common sense, passion, and compassion, and the reader experiences a â€Å"shock of recognition†; he will recognize truths he has known, but which he has not been able to express in words. This book made me think about myself, and people in general. How people's minds work, including my own. I found a lot of â€Å"truth† or at least I though I did in Jung's teachings. I could relate some of the reading material to elements studied in class. One will be astounded by the number of Jung's ideas that anticipated those of later writers. Many of the new trends in psychology and related fields are indebted to Jung, who first gave them their direction. The book is also interesting, because of its challenging nature. I suppose that not all people would enjoy reading such type of literature, since many people in this world are sensational types. I certainly did enjoy it, and have found out some things about myself in the process. The book is very well written. It has many good analogies and explanations which even the most sensational type would understand. The collection of information is tremendous. There is so much information bundled in 130 pages, that it makes you think that 500 pages would not be enough to really explain deeply the subject matter. This book can be faultlessly us ed as a textbook, which could prove to be salutary in psychology classes. I strongly recommend reading this book to all audiences that want to. A person, content with the world around him, not wishing to challenge the puzzles of nature, should not. This book is a treasure for all who seek to explore the human mind. Our personality traits come in opposites. We think of ourselves as optimistic or pessimistic, independent or dependent, emotional or unemotional, adventurous or cautious, leader or follower, aggressive or passive. Many of these are inborn temperament traits, but other characteristics, such as feeling either competent or inferior, appear to be learned, based on the challenges and support we receive in growing up. The man who did a great deal to explore this concept is Erik Erikson. Although he was influenced by Freud, he believed that the ego exists from birth and that behavior is not totally defensive. Based in part on his study of Sioux Indians on a reservation, Erikson became aware of the massive influence of culture on behavior and placed more emphasis on the external world, such as depression and wars. He felt the course of development is determined by the interaction of the body (genetic biological programming), mind (psychological), and cultural (ethos) influences. He organized life into eight stages that extend from birth to death (many developmental theories only cover childhood). Since adulthood covers a span of many years, Erikson divided the stages of adulthood into the experiences of young adults, middle aged adults and older adults. While the actual ages may vary considerably from one stage to another, the ages seem to be appropriate for the majority of people. Erikson's basic philosophy might be said to rest on two major themes: (1) the world gets bigger as we go along and (2) failure is cumulative. While the first point is fairly obvious, we might take exception to the last. True, in many cases an individual who has to deal with horrendous circumstances as a child may be unable to negotiate later stages as easily as someone who didn't have as many challenges early on. For example, we know that orphans who weren't held or stroked as infants have an extremely hard time connecting with others when they become adults and have even died from lack of human contact. However, there's always the chance that somewhere along the way the strength of the human spirit can be ignited and deficits overcome. Therefore, to give you an idea of another developmental concept, be sure to see Stages of Growth for Children and Adults, based on Pamela Levine's work. She saw development as a spiraling cycle rather than as stages through which we pass, never to visit again. As you read through the following eight stages with their sets of opposites, notice which strengths you identify with most and those you need to work on some more. . Infancy: Birth to 18 Months Ego Development Outcome: Trust vs. Mistrust Basic strength: Drive and Hope Erikson also referred to infancy as the Oral Sensory Stage (as anyone might who watches a baby put everything in her mouth) where the major emphasis is on the mother's positive and loving care for the child, with a big emphasis on visual contact and touch. If we pass successfully through this period of life, we will learn to trust that life is basically okay and have basic confidence in the future. If we fail to experience trust and are constantly frustrated because our needs are not met, we may end up with a deep-seated feeling of worthlessness and a mistrust of the world in general. Incidentally, many studies of suicides and suicide attempts point to the importance of the early years in developing the basic belief that the world is trustworthy and that every individual has a right to be here. Not surprisingly, the most significant relationship is with the maternal parent, or whoever is our most significant and constant caregiver. . Early Childhood: 18 Months to 3 Years Ego Development Outcome: Autonomy vs. Shame Basic Strengths: Self-control, Courage, and Will During this stage we learn to master skills for ourselves. Not only do we learn to walk, talk and feed ourselves, we are learning finer motor development as well as the much appreciated toilet training. Here we have the opportunity to build self-esteem and autonomy as we gain more control over our bodies and acquire new skills, learning right from wrong. And one of our skills during the â€Å"Terrible Two's† is our ability to use the powerful word â€Å"NO! † It may be pain for parents, but it develops important skills of the will. It is also during this stage, however, that we can be very vulnerable. If we're shamed in the process of toilet training or in learning other important skills, we may feel great shame and doubt of our capabilities and suffer low self-esteem as a result. The most significant relationships are with parents. 3. Play Age: 3 to 5 Years Ego Development Outcome: Initiative vs. Guilt Basic Strength: Purpose During this period we experience a desire to copy the adults around us and take initiative in creating play situations. We make up stories with Barbie's and Ken's, toy phones and miniature cars, playing out roles in a trial universe, experimenting with the blueprint for what we believe it means to be an adult. We also begin to use that wonderful word for exploring the world—†WHY? † While Erikson was influenced by Freud, he downplays biological sexuality in favor of the psychosocial features of conflict between child and parents. Nevertheless, he said that at this stage we usually become involved in the classic â€Å"Oedipal struggle† and resolve this struggle through â€Å"social role identification. † If we're frustrated over natural desires and goals, we may easily experience guilt. The most significant relationship is with the basic family. 4. School Age: 6 to 12 Years Ego Development Outcome: Industry vs. Inferiority Basic Strengths: Method and Competence During this stage, often called the Latency, we are capable of learning, creating and accomplishing numerous new skills and knowledge, thus developing a sense of industry. This is also a very social stage of development and if we experience unresolved feelings of inadequacy and inferiority among our peers, we can have serious problems in terms of competence and self-esteem. As the world expands a bit, our most significant relationship is with the school and neighborhood. Parents are no longer the complete authorities they once were, although they are still important. 5. Adolescence: 12 to 18 Years Ego Development Outcome: Identity vs. Role Confusion Basic Strengths: Devotion and Fidelity Up to this stage, according to Erikson, development mostly depends upon what is done to us. From here on out, development depends primarily upon what we do. And while adolescence is a stage at which we are neither a child nor an adult, life is definitely getting more complex as we attempt to find our own identity, struggle with social interactions, and grapple with moral issues. Our task is to discover who we are as individuals separate from our family of origin and as members of a wider society. Unfortunately for those around us, in this process many of us go into a period of withdrawing from responsibilities, which Erikson called a â€Å"moratorium. And if we are unsuccessful in navigating this stage, we will experience role confusion and upheaval. A significant task for us is to establish a philosophy of life and in this process we tend to think in terms of ideals, which are conflict free, rather than reality, which is not. The problem is that we don't have much experience and find it easy to substitute ideals for experience. However, we can also develop strong devotion to friends and causes. It is no surprise that our most significant relationships are with peer groups. 6. Young adulthood: 18 to 35 Ego Development Outcome: Intimacy and Solidarity vs. Isolation Basic Strengths: Affiliation and Love In the initial stage of being an adult we seek one or more companions and love. As we try to find mutually satisfying relationships, primarily through marriage and friends, we generally also begin to start a family, though this age has been pushed back for many couples who today don't start their families until their late thirties. If negotiating this stage is successful, we can experience intimacy on a deep level. If we're not successful, isolation and distance from others may occur. And when we don't find it easy to create satisfying relationships, our world can begin to shrink as, in defense, we can feel superior to others. Our significant relationships are with marital partners and friends. 7. Middle Adulthood: 35 to 55 or 65 Ego Development Outcome: Generativity vs. Self absorption or Stagnation Basic Strengths: Production and Care Now work is most crucial. Erikson observed that middle-age is when we tend to be occupied with creative and meaningful work and with issues surrounding our family. Also, middle adulthood is when we can expect to â€Å"be in charge,† the role we've longer envied. The significant task is to perpetuate culture and transmit values of the culture through the family (taming the kids) and working to establish a stable environment. Strength comes through care of others and production of something that contributes to the betterment of society, which Erikson calls generativity, so when we're in this stage we often fear inactivity and meaninglessness. As our children leave home, or our relationships or goals change, we may be faced with major life changes—the mid-life crisis—and struggle with finding new meanings and purposes. If we don't get through this stage successfully, we can become self-absorbed and stagnate. Significant relationships are within the workplace, the community and the family. 8. Late Adulthood: 55 or 65 to Death Ego Development Outcome: Integrity vs. Despair Basic Strengths: Wisdom Erikson felt that much of life is preparing for the middle adulthood stage and the last stage is recovering from it. Perhaps that is because as older adults we can often look back on our lives with happiness and are content, feeling fulfilled with a deep sense that life has meaning and we've made a contribution to life, a feeling Erikson calls integrity. Our strengt h comes from a wisdom that the world is very large and we now have a detached concern for the whole of life, accepting death as the completion of life. On the other hand, some adults may reach this stage and despair at their experiences and perceived failures. They may fear death as they struggle to find a purpose to their lives, wondering â€Å"Was the trip worth it? † Alternatively, they may feel they have all the answers (not unlike going back to adolescence) and end with a strong dogmatism that only their view has been correct.

Friday, August 30, 2019

The poem, “Joe Lawson’s Wife” by Lorna Crozier

The poem, â€Å"Joe Lawson’s Wife† by Lorna Crozier is a symbolically rich work. The poem tells the story of a man who commits suicide, and how his wife reacts to her husband’s death. There is obvious symbolism in both the sun and milk in the poem. The sun personifies Mrs. Lawson’s conscious efforts to absorb and accept the news of her husband’s suicide. She goes from only barely understanding what is going on, and being in complete shock to the realization that her husband is dead fully sinking in. The milk is representative of normalcy in Mrs. Lawson’s life, and it is the everyday chore of milking the cows that she clings to when her husband dies. The sun plays a significant role in symbolically showing the reader how the news of her husband’s death is gripping Mrs. Lawson. The sun builds up tension as it rises, symbolically representing her husband’s death sinking in as she struggles to accept this morbid news. The first mention of the sun occurs in the middle of the play. The doctor attempts to get Mrs. Lawson to go into the house and away from the gruesome scene of her husband, but she refuses to leave his side. Crozier writes, â€Å"The sun was rising, its splinters from the cracks in the walls falling all around her†. In these lines, the sun is representative of the news of her husband’s death and the revelation that she is alone. The splinters from the sun, or small beams of light coming through the cracks of the barn show that the news is just starting to sink in, and Mrs. Lawson is only slightly aware of what is going on. The sun is referenced again toward the end of the poem, with Crozier telling the reader, â€Å"The sun’s bright nails pounding through†. The use of the sun, again, to describe how the death of Mr. Lawson is affecting his wife is symbolic. Whereas when she first saw her husband’s body, she was in shock and barely comprehending what had happened, at this point she is fully aware of her husband’s death, and the realization of this hits her much harder, like nails pounding into her. The references to milk within the poem are also very symbolically significant. The ritual of milking the cows appears to be a common, everyday chore for Mrs. Lawson. For this reason, upon the news of her husband’s death, Mrs. Lawson begins milking the cows, almost in a sense of grasping for something normal in her life. The milk is symbolic of the normalcy that Mrs. Lawson had in her life prior to her husband’s suicide. After the men have taken Mr. Lawson’s body from the barn, â€Å"She pulled the wooden stool to the stall and milked the cow. † It is almost as if by milking the cows, Mrs. Lawson is attempting to go back to a time when her husband was still alive. Her complete focus, however, is on his death, as she doesn’t even bother to put a pail under the cow to catch the milk. Mrs. Lawson milks the cows just like she probably did every other day of her life in an attempt to return any sort of normalcy to her now chaotic life. Lorna Crozier’s poem, â€Å"Joe Lawson’s Wife† exhibits two symbolically important elements. The first element is the sun, which represents the news of her husband’s suicide sinking into Mrs. Lawson’s conscious mind. At first, only a few streaks of light shine though, but by the end of the poem the light is hitting her like a nail being pounded into her. The second important symbol in this poem is the milk. The milk is representative of normalcy in Mrs. Lawson’s life. Milking the cows is obviously part of her everyday routine, and she clings to this familiar chore in an attempt to return her life to any sort of normal state.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Medea: Passion vs. Reason

Medea: Passion vs. Reason â€Å"The passions are like fire, useful in a thousand ways and dangerous only in one, through their excess,† stated Christian Nestell Bovee a famous mid-19th century author. â€Å"Logic, like whiskey, loses its beneficial effect when taken in too large quantities,† stated Lord Dunsany a famous Anglo-Irish writer during the 1900s. These quotes demonstrate a strong theme in the Greek play Medea written by Euripides. In the play Medea, the protagonist Medea learns that her husband Jason breaks every vow and betrays her by taking another woman to bed.Feeling outraged and hurt, Medea decides to take revenge. She carries out her plan successfully and the play concludes with Medea escaping off to Athens. Throughout the play, two distinct concepts of beliefs and point of views are revealed in the two main characters of the play, Medea and Jason. Medea sees the world through the views of passion whereas Jason sees the world through the views of reason. The main characters express an extremity of either passion or reason which leads them to their own downfall; moreover, through both Medea and Jason's actions, the strength and weakness of each attribute is revealed.According to the Oxford Dictionary, passion is defined as a â€Å"strong and barely controllable emotion and a state or outburst of strong emotion†. The protagonist of the play, Medea, demonstrates an excessive passion which leads her to destruction. The strongest factor that contributes to Medea’s unreasonable passion is her extreme love for Jason. In the beginning of the play the nurse mourns that, â€Å"[Medea’s] heart on fire with passionate love for Jason; nor would she have persuaded the daughters of Pelias to kill their father†¦ and she herself helped Jason in every way† (P. 1).The protagonist passionate love for Jason deceives her thoughts and leaves her with nothing but hope for Jason’s love. However, Medea’s hope s trips and shatters to pieces when she learns that Jason has left her for another woman. Medea explains to the chorus that, â€Å"It has broken [her] heart. [She is] finished. † (P. 8). Medea simply wishes to die. However, Medea’s suicidal mind fades away as her excessive passion feeds upon her hatred and rage which leads her to uncalled acts of revenge. She calls out to the gods to pray that â€Å"[she] may see [Jason], him and his bride and their entire place hattered for the wrong they dare to do [her] without cause† (P. 6). Motivated by animosity, Medea successfully murders the Princess and the king. However, lost in the sea of hatred Medea then decides to â€Å"kill [her] own children† (P. 26). From her own actions, Medea destroys everything that she cares for due to an excessive in both love and hatred. Medea’s superfluous love makes her sacrifice her family, status, and home. Furthermore, Medea’s actions due to hatred destroy her futur e. For example, to achieve ultimate revenge, Medea kills her own two sons to make Jason suffer.However, at the same time â€Å"[Medea] feel the pain [herself]. [She] share[s] in [Jason’s] sorrow† (P. 44). The killing of her own children will make her feel a lifelong agony. For Medea, love does not simply turn to abhorrence. A main cause of this sudden shift in passion is Jason’s betrayal. Also to Medea, it is her redundant and hurtful pride that unleashes the hate inside her. Many times throughout the play Medea expresses â€Å"For it is not bearable to be mocked by enemies† (P. 26). Medea cannot allow others to laugh at her misfortune and only through the murder of her enemies could she feel redeemed and her pride restored.Reason defined by Oxford Dictionary means to â€Å"think, understand and form judgment logically†. Through his own excessive reasoning, the antagonist of the story, Jason, falls to destruction. Firstly in his mind, Jason sees ev erything to be explained by reason. Jason betrays Medea by marrying the Princess of Corinth. His purpose for such a cold hearted action is simply â€Å"that [they] might live well, and not be short of anything† (P. 18). To Jason, all the betraying is just a desperate act in hope to have what is best for the family. Secondly, in Jason‘s mind he never expects Medea to act irrationally because he neglects her feelings.In Jason’s eyes â€Å"it would have been for better far for men to have gotten their children in some other way, and women not to have existed† (P. 18). Jason believes that the only reason and positive outcome of marriage is children. Another example is when Jason argues that, â€Å" women have got such a state of mind that, if [their] life at night is good, [they] think [they] have everything; but, if in that quarter things go wrong, [they] will consider [their] best and truest interest most hateful† (P. 18). Jason thinks that Medea is o utraged because he took another woman to chamber. In addition, because he disregardedMedea’s love for him, he does not take into consideration that it is his betrayal that outrages Medea. Having too much reasoning and too little passion, Jason is left with nothing but hopeless and misery. Jason’s inability to see Medea’s revenge causes him to fall from the top to the bottom leaving him with nothing: no power, wealth, family, bloodlines and respect. In his last conversation with Medea, Jason cries that, â€Å"for [him] remains to cry aloud upon [his] fate, who will get no pleasure from [his] newly wedded love, and the boys whom [he] begot and brought up, never shall [he] speak to them alive.Oh, [his] life is over! † (P. 44). Medea’s final blow to Jason’s life is providing him with a prophecy about his death. In his character, Jason’s ratio of reason to passion is surely not proportional which blinds him from seeing Medea’s irrat ionality thus his downfall resulted. Everyone in society has both passion and reason. No one has one without the other. Both passion and reason have its own strengths and weakness which expresses through the main characters of Medea. Through the behaviors of Medea, many strength and weakness of passion are seen.For Medea, Passion is able to become strength and motivation for her reprisal. In text, Medea’s abundant love for Jason causes her to do anything for him, including sacrificing her own family. On the other hand, Medea’s excessive hatred overpowers her mind and becomes overboard with her actions. For instance, Medea plans â€Å"Next after [killing the princess]; for [she] shall kill [her] own children† (P. 26). Medea killing her own children will surely be the most evil act of humanity and all result from immoderate passion. Also, positive and negative aspects of logic are shown through Jason’s arguments.Strength of being rational is to be able to t hink about the positive and negative of things before making a decision. For example, â€Å"when [Jason] [arrives] here from the land of Iolcus †¦ [he] [is], in every kind of difficulty,† he exclaims, â€Å"what luckier chance could [he] have come across than this, an exile to marry the daughter of the king? †(P. 18). The outcomes of Jason’s plan have far more advantages than disadvantages. However, an extremity of reasoning may lead to neglecting the feelings of others. For instance, Jason neglects Medea’s love.Even though both have positive and negative aspects, in Euripides’ view having excessive passion is better than excessive reasoning. He consummates the play with Medea having her triumph and escaping to Athens with â€Å"such a chariot has Helius, [her] father’s father given [her] to defend from [her] enemies† (P. 43). With Medea having the final victory, readers may tell that Euripides chooses passion over reason. One ma y think, without the ability to feel and to have emotions, human would be no different from robots. These qualities are what make one human.The play Medea justifies both Christian Nestell Bovee’s point, â€Å"The passions are like fire, useful in a thousand ways and dangerous only in one, through their excess† and Lord Dunsany‘s view, â€Å"Logic, like whiskey, loses its beneficial effect when taken in too large quantities† . The extremity of passion and reason are revealed in the play Medea. Jason played a role of a rationalist and Medea an irrationalist. Via Medea’s superfluous passion, disastrous events occur in which guilt and grief will accompany Medea for the rest of her life. On the other hand, Jason is left with nothing due to his acute logical mind.His inconsideration for feelings and desire for acquisition are all causes of Jason’s denouement. Through the events in the story, properties, reason and passion have its own strength and weakness. Too much passion could lead to poor choices. On the contrary, de trop reasoning could lead one to a stone-heart. Both Jason and Medea possess an extremity of passion or reason which proves to be their hamartia. Even though each attribute has its own strength and weakness people should have a harmonic balance between reason and passion. Only then would one be ideal in making decisions. Just like in life, everything needs to have a balance.

Watch video and respond Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Watch video and respond - Essay Example ecution enlightens "Regular Selection.† The film dodges most enticements to take simple shots at her religion, albeit some of those around her do not get off as effortlessly. Linda genuinely accepts. When her Abe, on what could be his passing bunk, communicates a yearning to meet one of the youngsters from his years of sperm gift, she reliably sets out cross-country from Houston to Tampa to find that youngster. Raymond is not a child you might wish for, despite the fact that journalist chief Robbie Pickering designs a somewhat splendid approach to bring him onscreen. Utilizing his own particular blade, Raymond conveys himself by Cesarean from inside the sack of grass clippings he has used to carry himself out of jail. At the point when Linda discovers him, hes carrying on a wild presence in a foul shack that appears to have done obligation as a split house. Raymond has no specific longing to meet his sperm father, nor does he have anything in just the same as kind, thoughtful Linda. Nevertheless, she has an auto and needs to drive them both once again to Houston, and that comes as a gift from heaven for a man who has quite recently gotten away from jail. Along these lines starts a street trek that is very little unique in relation to whatever viable motion picture way excursion, aside from the reclaiming vicinity of Linda in the drivers seat. Pickerings spark is to see her in a positive light, as a very great but then human character; in the event that he had ridiculed or caricaturized her convictions, the film may have left a harsh taste, yet in Harris execution, we sense absolution and philanthropy at work. We likewise sense different things at work. Reflect that Linda potentially has never had intercourse. Reflect that Raymond cleans up really well. Consider that Abe is out of the running. Whats more, that in the event that you need to get specialized, for Linda to engage in sexual relations with Raymond might not be inbreeding. It is not that

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Light experiment Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Light experiment - Lab Report Example Introduction This project involves the study of Scenedesmus growth conditions. Scenedesmus refers to genus of the colonial green algae, with cell arrangements of 4, 8, and 16 in a row. It is a common component of fresh water plankton, which is most commonly used in the experimental purposes of water pollution and photosynthesis. It is also crucial in the process of sewage purification because it releases oxygen, which is necessary for the breakdown of organic matter, hence terminates the functions of harmful substances. In this project, we get to experiment on the growth conditions and developments. The main elements in test here will be light and pH since we discovered that the plant grows well under neutral pH. The main methodology in this project is to grow one experimental set in direct sunlight while the other will be places under no sunlight. The main conclusion will be based on the growth patterns of both experimental samples, and note the difference in them. Materials and met hods Details on culture setup 50ml conical cubes Number of replicates per treatment 4ml of initial culture added to 16ml culture Gro (Carolina Biological) Algae grown .Scenedesmus (Carolina biological) Growth conditions The cultures shall be natured in the growth chamber for 18 hours, day and 6 hours night at 250 C The light levels in the chamber placed at 300 mM photons/m2/sec2 Experiment treatments One should describe the treatments and the levels to which they should get applied. Methodology for measurements This section contains the details of the materials used and a description of how the experiment is executed. From here, one can easily conduct the same experiment and present the results for comparison. Hemocytometers get employed in calculating the cell density/ml at an average of four consecutive counts. NB: Washed hands before handling any materials to avoid contaminating them. 1. Set up the microscope and take a sample of scenedesmus. 2. Determine the number of scenedesmu s in 1 ml with hemocytometer. Make sure to swirl before taking sample (three count to get average concentration). 3. Set up three replications per treatment 20 ml total volume; adjust volume of growth medium by (4 ml of algae volume and 16 ml of treatment volume) in the test tubes 4. Write the number of the group and initial of the group 5. Divide the product to three groups; three simples each group (the three groups low, medium, and high light). 6. Put the simples in the light refrigerator. 7. Divide the simples to low, medium, and high light. 8. Wait three weeks to the product to grow. 9. Determine the number of scenedesmus. Results This section contains the results that were obtained from the experiment. The data is a brief summary of the whole experiment. The data here is only mentioned with no analysis given. The analysis gets handled in the next section. Low Light Medium Light High Light 83 68 33 80 58 43 80 55 42 From the above data, we can acknowledge that the experiment wa s conducted using three cultures. The presentation is done and the data per culture is presented in the way the performed in different light scenarios. The first case is the experiment under low light conditions then followed by results in the middle light conditions and finally the results obtained in high light, experimental conditions. However, in this experiment we are mainly going to use the data in low light conditions and the results from the experimen

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Effect of Mad Cow Disease Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Effect of Mad Cow Disease - Research Paper Example The key events that formed the world meat market in the last decade include the change in trade policy regimes ushered in by the 1995 Uruguay Round Agreement in Agriculture, the macroeconomic crises in Asia and the Former Soviet Union in 1998 and the series of animal disease outbreaks in major livestock producing regions in Asia and the European Union. However, these challenges have aided in stringent policies and regulations in this industry.  Mad Cow Disease is the common name for Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) that was first recognized in the United Kingdom in the year 1986. In simple terms it the name "mad cow disease" came because it affects a cattle's nervous system. It is a chronic, degenerative disorder affecting the central nervous system of cattle. The main culprit of the cause of this disease is the rogue proteins, known as prions that reproduce inside the brain of the infected cow. Once the disease progresses, the brain attains a sponge nature and hence it is al so termed as "spongiform". In fact, BSE is categorized to a group of progressive, degenerative neurological diseases known as Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies or TSEs. The other disease in this group includes scrapie, which affects sheep and goats and has symptoms similar to BSE. As of now, there is no cure for BSE (Department of Primary Industries and Water, 2008).  If we look at how BSE can have an impact on human. In humans, this disease is known as variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease or in short vCJD. The scientific community has still not found a cure for this disease and is fatal in nature (Department of Primary Industries and Water, 2008). In the food industry, this disease has posed a significant threat and could seriously affect both export and domestic markets for cattle and cattle products. Additionally, it is also possible that it can have a serious impact on jobs and businesses in the meat industry and its various support industries. It could also have a consid erable effect on the tourism and hospitality industries. Since there is no cure for this disease, the only options are slaughtering the affected animal. Since its initial outbreak, the food industry has formulated various policies (Department of Primary Industries and Water, 2008). One of the major problems with this disease is the identification of the affected animals. Contrasting the Foot and Mouth Disease that spreads rapidly if not controlled, BSE spreads comparatively slowly. Besides it is found that both BSE and its human counterpart, vCJD, have an unusually long incubation period. In other words, if a human is diagnosed with vCJD, it might be the result of eating infected animal probably up to twenty years earlier. This makes tracking the disease source much more difficult (Department of Primary Industries and Water, 2008). Mad Cow Disease is possibly one of the most significant food-safety-related issues to have troubled the hospitality industry in recent years. In the Unit ed Kingdom, where the disease was first identified and had extensive effects, the consequence for this industry has been characterized as catastrophic-yet little experiential facts support this.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Standards Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Standards - Research Paper Example There is an explosion in the number of people accessing the internet on their mobile devices. As a result, there is a need for protocols to ensure sufficient infrastructure to support their work. The working group is focused on the establishment of standards for mobile broadband access. The IEEE 802 standard is made up of a family of networking standards that range from the Ethernet to wireless systems (Beylot & Labiod, 2013). The standards cover all their physical specifications. The IEEE is divided into 22 unique parts. The importance of the standards in a digital era cannot be stated in an effective manner. As human beings connect computers to networks, it is clear that they need a set of rules that will determine how data will move through the different networks. Furthermore, the IEEE standards have bestowed immense benefits on the consumer. The benefits include interoperability. The term denotes ability of computer users to use the different networks at their disposal without undermining the flow of data packets. Secondly, the standards result in low product costs. The feature saves the user a lot of money that they would have otherwise spent buying items that fit all the different network needs. Thirdly, the standards are easy to manage. Protocols are needed to determine the movement of data across different networks. Computer users are lucky that their options are limited to a few effective standards (Kuo & Zhu, 2012). There are three common standards including ISO, ANSI and IEEE. The three standards play an important role in the information and communication sector. However, it is important to determine the standard with the most impact. The International Standards Organization is the largest and most effective developer of standards that have a global impact. In addition, it is responsible for publishing them. The importance of ISO lies in the fact that it makes it possible for the developers to create products that would address international

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Reward And Motivation As Factors For The Productivity Dissertation

Reward And Motivation As Factors For The Productivity - Dissertation Example There are certain needs and demands of both employee and employer such as labor force are required to perform efficiently when organizations are investing in resources they would demand reliable workforce meeting all standards of productivity (Leboeuf, 1986). On the other hand, employees have expectations related to handsome reward, job security, workplace environment and respect (Blackburn & Lawrence, 1995). Now, these attributes can be taken as motivation factors because given the expectation both parties will be better-served employers will enjoy productivity whereas workers will enjoy the reward. Since both parties are attaining what they desire, ultimately the company’s performance will boost up. It might be easy to say that expectations can be met easily but practically the utopia can only be achieved when organizations understand the needs of their employees. Understanding workers’ needs, in other words, is the analysis which tells organizations how to motivate t heir workers (Podmoroff, 2005). This study is conducted to understand those needs and their patterns which in turn motivate workers for best performance. What can actually be called a motivation? Motivation can be any item or factor that can encourage and energize employees’ behavior to work harder (Tracy, 2013). These sets of principles or factors which invigorate performance can either be social, cultural, societal, financial or even psychological. It relies upon the management to successfully understand its workers demand and need and it is the utter duty of managers to trigger the motivational processes in the right direction (Scheuer, 2000). Motivation is a driving force which is accumulated through altered scenarios and lead individual to accomplish their targets. When targets are achieved, it portrays individual performance.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Advice to Future Students Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Advice to Future Students - Essay Example Consequently, more efficient teaching strategies are developed. In the class setting, the student is required to develop a learning relationship with other students. The course requires training for an effective learning experience. Training can be done through personal effort of the in groups (Jennings 26). A student should, however, develop both training mechanism. Personal training entails personal studying and practice. This is done effectively in a private location. In addition, a student may reflect on the previous classes or focus on the future classes. This enables the students to transition one learning experience to another. Moreover, this provides student with sufficient knowledge of the classroom content. The course also requires practice in both oral and writing skills. Oral skills are acquired through communication with other student. Writing skills may be developed without aid. A student should also be able to access classroom resources such as reading and writing materials. This ensures a student keeps track of course development. With access to reading materials, a student is enabled to practice and refer to notes from previous lessons. In addition, learning resources improve the participation of students in the classroom setting. This significantly improves their learning

Friday, August 23, 2019

Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility a Case Analysis of Enron Essay

Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility a Case Analysis of Enron - Essay Example 2. An evaluation of the potential role of corporate social responsibility in saving Enron in line with the criticisms of CSR by Friedman and Barry. 3. An assessment of whether Enron should have favoured some stakeholders ahead of others or not. 4. An evaluation of whether codes of conducts and stated core values have an effect on a business or not. Question 1 The Role of the CEO in the Enron Scandal This portion of the research examines whether Enron chief, Kenneth Lay acted immorally or not. In order to examine the issue well, the paper would use a broad range of assessment of morality to identify whether actions of Lay were appropriate or not. Each of these issues would be examined critically. Dominant and Unfettered Power and Control It is apparent that Kenneth Lay had dominant and unfettered powers and control over activities of Enron. This is because he had stayed in power for a very long time and had a lot of control in decision making. Although this in itself is not immoral, i t created the impetus for a lot of immoral and amoral activities to be carried out by Lay in conjunction with his fellow managers and directors. Ideally, a business needs to have some kind of control and checks to ensure that managers do not abuse the system (Crawford, 2006 p114). This reason justifies the need for the establishment of an Independent Board of Directors and a Management team. Again, the board needs to be headed by a person who is different from the CEO in order to create an ideal situation where no one in the top hierarchy can get uncontrolled power over the activities of the company. In the case of Kenneth Lay, he was the CEO and the Chairman of the Board of Enron for 17 years and had unfettered powers which contributed to a lot of wrongs in the company. Disregard for Core Principles Kenneth Lay stated that the core principles of Enron were communication, respect, integrity, and excellence. However, there is strong evidence that he led the company to override the ve ry standards he set and the system that was meant to safeguard the implementation of those standards. George and Jones identify that overriding standards and principles means disregard of rules and regulations for reasons that are not consistent with the best interest of the business (2009). As such, there is evidence that Kenneth Lay did things that undermined the core guiding principles that he set for Enron. First of all, he claimed that communication was key. However, there were major reporting issues in Enron that led to its collapse. Secondly, he claimed that respect was a key principle. However, it is apparent that some stakeholder groups like employees were given tough treatments and their rights were blatantly disregarded. Thirdly, Enron claimed to seek integrity but in reality, they had serious issues with truthfulness and the attempt to disguise the reality in its financial situation to maintain a positive image with the public and other stakeholders. Finally, Enron state d that they sought excellence. Although they might have been a leading business at some point in their history, they used unsustainable systems and structures to attain this end. This led to major long term issues which culminated in the collapse of the company. Since Kenneth Lay had extensive powers to ensure that the core principles that he had outlined would be honoured and he failed to do so, there is a major

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Advertising and Sales Promotions In The Internet Essay Example for Free

Advertising and Sales Promotions In The Internet Essay Marketing has been one of the most significant gainers from the Internet revolution. Internet has been applied by marketers both as a medium as well as a product. Marketing has deployed it for communication of information, distribution of some of its products and for receiving payments from the customers. Internet based marketing plays a vital role in the exchange process. Internet marketing term became popular when computers started getting used in marketing extensively. Earlier, computers were used more for storing, processing and reporting of various marketing related information. But, with the entry of Internet the online data handling possibilities have virtually exploded the use of computer. This application has multiplied the use of computers faster among communities. Internet marketing profitably reinforces the concepts of marketing with the power of internet. It strengthens the existing delivery of marketing outputs and also opens newer avenues of marketing which were not possible to achieve before the arrival of internet. A marketer today can keep track of millions of customers simultaneously, segment them online, offer customized products to individual customers, fix different prices, provide varying contents and styles of information and deliver the products through appropriate modes of distribution to each of these customers. The details of such transactions and the characteristics of each of these customers can be stored for their dynamic utilization in future marketing opportunities with the customers. Estee Lauder’s anti ageing product ‘Advanced Night Repair Concentrate’   is able to make inroads in the customers mind. Internet will function as the medium for promoting the product.   Advertising and Sales Promotions: Like products and prices, customization of advertising and promotion are very much possible in internet marketing. Besides customization, the customer is contacted when he is giving, full attention to the computer screen. In fact, when a customer views any site he has done so after deliberate and conscious effort and choice. This increases his commitment to the message that he is viewing on the internet. Advertising generates a hierarchy of impacts like creation of awareness, interest, desire and action on the consumer. Different media are found to be better suited for certain kinds of impacts out of this hierarchy. Internet has been found to be amenable to finer tuning for most of these impacts. As a result, it is possible to better transport the customer from one level of impact to the next higher one and do so more quickly. The combination of this factor with the feature of individualization makes the output very powerful one. Besides this, the measurement of each of these impacts are also possible more easily and online. The promotions on internet can also be customized in a similar way. The internet marketing model suggests that commerce follows content and community. Since the internet phenomenon has occurred like an explosion there had been quite a rush to build up communities in the competitive environment. In this rush, many of the marketers tried to buy prospective customers into their communities net by offering a variety of incentives. This has caused internet marketing effort to be seen as overloaded with freebies in the form of consumer promotions. Personal Selling: The advantage of mass personal selling is made possible through internet for both customers and the marketers. Anti aging is a consumer product so Estee Lauders can get the maximum benefit by penetrating in this stream. The customers can identify the optimum provider for his unique sets of needs. Customer can also arrange for updating himself in the precise area of his interest although from the most extensive sources of information possible. The marketer can also store the historical data of individual persons and their behavior. These data can be then processed with the help of data mining and marketing decision tools. These data are utilized to provide solutions to the customers needs on an online and individual basis. The product can be configured exacting to the individual customer’s needs at the price and with a payment mechanism most convenient to him. The information and the persuasive appeals can also be tailor made for the individual customer. He can be reminded or provided with additional services as per his specific requests and all these information can be utilized in the design of next round of offering to him. This kind of individual personal service when offered on continuous basis becomes service to the customer of significant commercial value. Publicity:   Internet marketing has the capability of viewing existing customers through a wide variety of angles and compares the efficacy of each of these views. Various data mining tools available today are employed to do this job. They mainly utilize the processes of sorting, clustering and association seeking among the consumer characteristics. The history of the customer behavior in terms of past transactions and internet viewing generate rich data for this purpose of publicity automatically. Such data are often supplemented with the offline data collected through alternative sources. The customer segments created with such methodologies can have the advantage of being more dynamic because they can be created through online databases, more insightful because of the use of more powerful clustering and association seeking techniques and customers themselves selecting into a segment of mass market. On the other hand, the customers become empowered to scan much larger canvas of market and bargain for their purchasing power with a larger base of marketers. The customers can also create a large pool of knowledge by online sharing knowledge of their experience based knowledge among their peer customers. The interactivities gained by both marketers and customers have .the potential of unleashing very high levels of energy in the marketplace restricted only by the creative limits of the market players. Public Relation: The advantage of mass customization is made possible through Internet for both customers and the marketers. The customers can identify the optimum provider for his unique sets of needs. Customer can also arrange for updating himself in the precise area of his interest although from the most extensive sources of information possible. The marketer can also store the historical data of customers and their behavior. These data can be then processed with the help of data mining and marketing decision tools. These data are utilized to provide solutions to the customers needs on an online and individual basis. The product can be configured exacting to the individual customer’s needs at the price and with a payment mechanism most convenient to him. The information and the persuasive appeals can also be tailor made for the individual customer. He can be reminded or provided with additional services as per his specific requests and all these information can be utilized in the design of next round of offering to him. This kind of customization when offered on continuous basis becomes service to the customer of significant commercial value. Placement Of Product: Internet marketing is seen as attacking on the length of the distribution chain particularly the information flow related ones, much more efficiently and instantaneously. As a result it is often possible to reorganize the distribution chain at the cost of its length. The span of control can also increase considerably as many of the control related processes can be transferred to the computer. The saving in costs due to these effects is often considered as the most important contributions of internet marketing. The increased availability of distribution related information also causes information overload to the consumers. A new category of channel members, called infomediaries, have also emerged. These infomediaries primarily consolidate the relevant information about the availability of the products and pass them on to the consumers after suitably repackaging them. Besides pure infomediaries, the existing distributors do also rebundle their services after integrating the online and offline elements of their services. Internet also enables online distribution of digitized products. This helps in extending pinpointed reach to a large number of customers, eliminating the lead time between ordering and delivery, reducing the inventory requirements and smooth organization of transaction related data processing. Conclusion In the era of globalization, with marked technological strides has   revolutionized the exchange process of buying and selling of products on the Internet.   Internet marketing is a worldwide phenomenon.   Internet marketing has made inroads as the emerging mode of buying and selling of products to specific target groups with fast changing needs, preferences and life styles. Estee Lauders has the huge potential of promoting the anti aging product through internet. References Philip Kotler (2002) Marketing Management , Prentice Hall New York Charles F.,(2002) Internet Marketing, Wiley Publication Flippo Edwin B., (2001) Marketing Channels, McGraw-Hill. J Taylor Sims, J. Robert Foster, Arch G. Woodside.(1998) Marketing Channels: Systems and Strategies Harper and Row: New York

War of the worlds Essay Example for Free

War of the worlds Essay This is the many people running to the stations and literally being pushed back because of the over crowding. Another good piece of imagery to describe the fear would be people were fighting in the street over a cart this just shows you the determination people have to get out of the city as quick as they can, instead of running they are stalling themselves by fighting other people for the carts. A modern reader would relate to these actions if they were in the same position, but I believe they would not fight to get a cart they would just run as fast as they could. And they would not go to the station as they would know that the station and all of the trains would be packed and you run the risk of being crushed to death. Along the narrators journey he meets many people, but two that stick out are the Curate and the Artilleryman. The narrator meets the Curate at his church, from the off the two were completely parallel the two personalities clashed, and the narrators Science and the curates Religion clashed. And the curates weak mind did not help the situation, within 6 days he had gone insane because of the lack of social order. Eventually the two get stuck in a house together, right next to the Martians. The curate threatens the narrator by screaming loudly and eating the only food they have then he tries to make a break for it, which would completely give away there, position, without thought the narrator hits him with the butt of a knife and left he open for the Martians to kill him. With the Artilleryman he had an insane plan which was fuelled by the lack out boundaries, he wanted to sacrifice the weak and live underground This shows that social order has left many of the stronger members of society to go crazy with the lack of support and leadership. The modern reader would read these two comparisons and see that social order has completely depleted and left many people without any guidance and completely vulnerable to the situation at hand. At the beginning of the novel social order is completely intact until the situation gets a whole lot worse, then its every man for themselves. This is a clear example of what times were like in those days in the face of a crisis. When a modern reader reads the novel and sees the breakdown in social order they sympathize because of the lack of understanding in science. They would also say where everyone could have improved, but that is only natural. Overall I think that the story was very good for the time it was written in, the decrease in social order is showed well and the language that is used is very good. But I believe that the story could have improved as it was a bit basic, and maybe would have been a lot better if the story had covered a lot more angles. By James Clarke 10X Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Miscellaneous section.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Use of Stem Cells on Ageing Prevention

Use of Stem Cells on Ageing Prevention ELA KING Abstract This scientific report will look at stem cells and their abilities to prevent ageing. My[DS1] research was mostly qualitative, secondary research which didnt cost any money to conduct. I have discovered through writing this report that in the future it may be possible to achieve biological immortality with the aid of stem cells, either by altering the genes of human stem cells or by using other biologically immortal organisms stem cell information. However stem cell research is controversial and it will be many years before stem cell research will have developed to the point that biological immortality will be feasible. Introduction Ageing can be described in many ways. It is often used to refer to a passage in time in which someone gets older. Ageing in humans can be judged on the number of years lived and on appearance both external and internal such as grey hair and organs no longer working the way they are supposed to. This is because ageing leads to a decline in the regenerative abilities of all the tissues and organs in the body. [Kirkwood T.B, 2005]. This is connected to a decline in stem cell function. Why would we want to prevent or reverse ageing? Whilst a person cannot simply die of old age, as a person gets older there are more chances of genetic mutations and damage from the environment which can lead to a person being more likely to get a disease or condition. When a person ages, their cells can no longer defend themselves against diseases as well as they could when the person was younger. This means that as a person ages, they become more vulnerable to injuries and diseases [Radford B, 2012]. If it was made possible to prevent ageing, this would mean that the average life span would increase dramatically and it may be possible for humans to become biologically immortal. What is biological immortality? Biological immortality is the idea that whilst you are able to die (by disease or other means), you do not age. This would mean that a person with biological immortality would no longer experience loss of physiological function. This would allow people to stay relatively healthy whilst also not looking as though they were ageing [ Despain D, 2010]. There are many ways in which people believe biological immortality can be achieved, either through lifestyle changes or genetic changes. One particular way focuses on stem cells. What are stem cells? Stem cells are undifferentiated cells which are able to become other cells. Stem cells are also able to self-renew. There are two main types of stem cells, embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. Embryonic stem cells are found in human blastocyts which are newly fertilised eggs (three-five days old) which are created by IVF. These stem cells are used in various therapies and tests and can be grown into any organ in the body[DS2]. The other main types of stem cells are Adult stem cells, also known as Tissue-specific stem cells. These stem cells generate the same type of cell of the organ or tissue that it lives on. However, adult stem cells dont self-renew as easily as embryonic stem cells. Adult stem cells can be studied to show a lot about the process of ageing. [ , 2015] Adult stem cells are essential for the maintenance of organs and tissues of mammals during their lives. With age, this maintenance is decreased due to the deterioration of co-ordination from molecular signalling. This leads to organs and tissues not being rejuvenated as quickly or as well in an older mammal than that of a younger one [Silva H. and Conboy I.M, 2008]. This means that overtime organs and tissues would become weaker and more susceptible to failure. If an animals stem cells were to remain fully functioning for a longer period of time, this would increase the time before organs and tissues begin to lose functionality and if the stem cells were able to be fully functional forever, then an animal would achieve biological immortality. How can stem cells be used to achieve biological immortality? Organisms such as the Hydra (Hydra oligactis), an animal related to the jellyfish, have achieved biological immortality. Whilst its unknown exactly how long the Hydra lives, a Hydra which was kept in captivity for 4 years remained unchanged which is remarkable for a creature of its size (15mm). The Hydras biological immortality can be attributed to its stem cells which are able to renew and regrow parts of the Hydras body. Using 3 different types of stem cell populations, the Hydra is able to fully create clones of itself. Scientists found that the 3 types of stem cells all contained the same gene, the FoxO (a protein thought to be anti-ageing) and when this gene is removed the Hydra ages [Barras C, 2015]. If scientists were able to isolate this gene and place it into the DNA of another organism, theoretically another non-ageing organism would have been created. However, trying this with humans is likely to be a long way off as many people believe it would be unethical to conduct thi s sort of experiment on a human[DS3]. Other animals are also able to rejuvenate themselves using stem cells. Limbs and complex organs such as eyes and kidneys are able to be re-grown once lost or damaged. These animals such as frogs and fish either use pluripotent cells (stem cells able to differentiate into different cell types eg. Embryonic stem cells) to regenerate the whole limb or different types of stem cells to regenerate the different types of tissue like humans. So whilst humans use different types of stem cells for the maintenance of different tissues, humans arent able to rejuvenate their tissues to this level. This could be because humans are mammals and therefore lack the ability to direct stem cells to different parts of the body like certain amphibians. Future research will show why humans are lack this capability [Tanaka E, 2015]. Another possible method of using stem cells to achieve biological immortality would be to alter genes in order for more microRNAs to be produced. MicroRNAs are snippets of genetic material which can be linked to growth regulation in cells. MicroMRNAs keep cells dividing as they prevent stop signals that stop cells from dividing. Using microMRNAs, ageing stem cells could be made to keep dividing for a longer period of time therefore meaning that the stem cells would be able to maintain organs and tissues for longer. However, microRNAs have also been linked to the development of cancer when produced in abundance. Therefore, finding the right amount of microRNAs to boost ageing stem cells whilst also making sure that cancer growth and tumours arent created at the same time is essential. Scientists also have to identify which, out of the 200+ human microMRNAs, is responsible for keeping stem cells dividing [Boyle A, 2005]. There has been further research into embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. A gene has been discovered called Nanog in the embryonic stem cells which allowed it to remain youthful. This would allow for later research to be done in order to give adult stem cells the pluripotent properties of ESCs which would eliminate the need to harvest embryonic stem cells from blastocyts for medical treatments [Bhattacharya S, 2003]. Adult stem cells would become induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. This would now be able to rejuvenate other somatic cells (any cell making up an organism other than gametes and undifferentiated cells). The iPS cells would be able to create new somatic cells for an indefinite period of time. This would mean that cells lifespan would be able to be increased [West M.D, 2013]. Currently, stem cells are used in various rejuvenation therapies from degenerative and debilitating conditions to cosmetic and dermatological therapies. Stem cell transplants are also used to treat some forms of cancer such a leukaemia and lymphoma. The stem cells are adult stem cells which are either collected from the patient themselves or are donor stem cells. These stem cells are collected and transplanted in order to replace the stem cells killed in other cancer treatments [stem cell transplants,]. Some other stem cell therapies use donor placentas from healthy young mothers. Stem cell therapies are still not risk free, even when using the patients own stem cells, complications can arise. Whilst stem cells arent yet used to create organs for organ transplants, progress is being made in creating organs from scratch purely using stem cells. Working organs have been created, however it will be at least another 10 years of research and millions of pounds invested before the process is deemed fit to use on human patients [The Guardian, 2014]. What ethical concerns surround stem cell research? Stem cell research is opposed by a lot of people. The majority of those people are religious who believe that life starts at conception. This would mean that using blastocyts created through IVF for medical research would be equivalent to testing on living humans. Those who agree with stem cell research do not believe that life starts at conception and/or believe that the benefits of stem cell research and its future of curing various conditions outweigh the risks and harm[DS4]. Conclusion Stem cell research leads to an exciting future where current debilitating conditions will be able to be cured, ageing will be prevented and more will be discovered about how stem cells work and the many ways they can be harnessed to improve humans quality of life. In the future this could lead to life spans dramatically increasing, but is that necessarily a good thing? This could lead to various issues such as overpopulation and other social changes, such as a change in the age of retirement [Emanuel P, 2005]. Will stem cell research continue after we have found the key to biological immortality? Acknowledgements I would like to thank Dekkel Simmons and Andre Mostert for supporting me during the process of writing this scientific report. References Barras C. (2015) The animals and plants that can live forever. Available at: Accessed 29/8/16 Bhattacharya S. (2003) Stem cell immortality gene found. Available at: Accessed 29/8/16 Boyle A. (2005) Scientists find key to stem cell immortality. Available at: Accessed 29/8/16 Despain, D (2010). How to achieve biological immortality naturally. Available at: Accessed 27/8/16 Emanuel P. (2005) Can stem cell research make us immortal? Available at: Accessed 29/8/16 Kirkwood, T.B (2005). Understanding the odd science of aging. Cell. Available at: Accessed 27/8/16 Radford, B (2012). Do People Really Die Of Old Age? Available at: Accessed 27/8/16 Silva H. and Conboy I.M. (2008) Aging and stem cell renewal. Available at: Accessed 27/8/16 Stem cell transplants. Available at: Accessed 29/8/16 Tanaka E. (2015) Regeneration: what does it mean and how does it work? Available at: Accessed 29/8/16 The Guardian (2014) Scientists hail creation of working organ made from laboratory cells. Available at: Accessed 29/8/16 Types of stem cells. Available at: Accessed 27/8/16 West M.D. (2013) How engineered stem cells may enable youthful immortality. Available at: Accessed 29/8/16[DS5]     Ã‚  

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Australian People :: essays research papers

Australian People   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The population of Australia is 18,438,824.The Birth Rate is 13.73, per 1000 people. The death rate is 6.89 per 1000 people. Those two were per year on average. The migration rate is 2.71 immigrants per 1000 people. The Life expectancy is higher than the US at 79.64. (Male 76.69, Female 82.74) There are three major ethnic groups in Australia. The Caucasian makes up 95%, the Asians make up 4%, and the Aboriginal make up 1%.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The official language of Australia is English. It is spoken by more than 99% of the population. The languages come from Europe and Oceania. (Australia, New Zealand etc.) There are several Aboriginal dialects spoken throughout the country. The writing system is Arabic. The Australians often use mate as a way to address others.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are three major religions in Australia. Anglican makes up 26.1 % of the population. Roman Catholic makes up 26% and other Christian religions make up 24.3% of the population. Burial services are very similar to the ones practiced by Americans in the US. The Aboriginal buries their dead and marks the burial grounds to symbolize the sky world in which they will be reincarnated.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Average Australian family consists of three members. The Father is the dominant member. There are some extended families of grandparents. Some Aboriginal now live in cities although most still live in the Outback in small rural communities. Aboriginal families are generally large. The children often work for the parents in the fields or around the dwelling. Families that live in urban areas usually have a higher income rate. They usually live in houses. Marriage is your choice, like in the US. Divorce is allowed by legal agreement and Polygamy is outlawed. Australian People :: essays research papers Australian People   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The population of Australia is 18,438,824.The Birth Rate is 13.73, per 1000 people. The death rate is 6.89 per 1000 people. Those two were per year on average. The migration rate is 2.71 immigrants per 1000 people. The Life expectancy is higher than the US at 79.64. (Male 76.69, Female 82.74) There are three major ethnic groups in Australia. The Caucasian makes up 95%, the Asians make up 4%, and the Aboriginal make up 1%.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The official language of Australia is English. It is spoken by more than 99% of the population. The languages come from Europe and Oceania. (Australia, New Zealand etc.) There are several Aboriginal dialects spoken throughout the country. The writing system is Arabic. The Australians often use mate as a way to address others.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are three major religions in Australia. Anglican makes up 26.1 % of the population. Roman Catholic makes up 26% and other Christian religions make up 24.3% of the population. Burial services are very similar to the ones practiced by Americans in the US. The Aboriginal buries their dead and marks the burial grounds to symbolize the sky world in which they will be reincarnated.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Average Australian family consists of three members. The Father is the dominant member. There are some extended families of grandparents. Some Aboriginal now live in cities although most still live in the Outback in small rural communities. Aboriginal families are generally large. The children often work for the parents in the fields or around the dwelling. Families that live in urban areas usually have a higher income rate. They usually live in houses. Marriage is your choice, like in the US. Divorce is allowed by legal agreement and Polygamy is outlawed.

Monday, August 19, 2019

How Does The ?surround-sound? :: essays research papers

How does the â€Å"surround-sound† technique work?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Surround Sound which was introduced by Dolby Laboratories Inc to position sound around the audience so that the effects within movies would make them feel as though they were really there. The use of directional sound from different points in the room according to their depth, sharpness and clarity was the main goal. Starting off from a standard called Dolby Stereo, two separate channels were introduced, both left and right, so that other speakers could in turn double-up to provide a multitude of left and right channels all around the audience. The input of a effects channel (later called Surround channel) was implemented so that a sense of ambience and spatiality could be experienced from the audience. This surround channel was positioned behind and to the left and right of the audience provided the sound depth that the audio engineers were looking for.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This then gave way to a standard, which was known as Dolby Surround, soon followed by Dolby Surround – Pro Logic. This standard incorporated the original two channels for sound, but had an in-built decoder so that the surround channel, and also a center channel (positioned to the direct front of the audience) could be played back to enhance this surround feeling. A many number of speakers could be connected up to enhance the feeling associated with the different types of audio sources, and in turn provide more depth and realism to the audio source.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dolby Digital was incorporated into the home cinema as well as movie theatres to provide the ultimate audio reproductive source. The use of individual speaker components positioned around the audience comprising of a front left, front right, surround left, surround right, center, and subwoofer speaker were given their own audio input. This was called Dolby Digital 5.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

A Local Foreign Manager is Best for Managing Foreign Subsidiaries Essay

A Local Foreign Manager is Best for Managing Foreign Subsidiaries For many global organizations, or organizations that produce or sell goods or services in more than one country, a difficult question is how to develop and place managers in foreign operations. Some people believe organizations should let foreign managers run foreign subsidiaries because of the large differences among national cultures while others believe that domestic managers should be trained to run foreign subsidiaries because of loyalty issues. Nation culture is the particular set of economic, political, and social values that exist in a particular nation. This culture effects all aspects of global organizations operations. Foreign exchange rates, banking and accounting laws, and tax codes can all affect the profitability of foreign subsidiaries. These rules and regulations vary from country to county. The way Japan accounts for good will varies dramatically from the way the United Sates regulatory agency demands it be recorded. In some countries politics play a larger role than others. In sm...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

financial accounting and the need for a conceptual framework

The Asiatic crisis exploded in July 1997 and raised frights of planetary economic recession. It has exposed an unresolved job in the manner of fiscal globalisation that local accounting criterions used to fix fiscal statement did non run into international criterions. The authoritiess have realized the essentialness to better the supervising, ordinance and transparence of fiscal systems under the forces of fiscal globalisation.[ 1 ] Since the origin, the FASB has recognized the importance of aims of fiscal statements based on different fiscal criterions and the demand for a coherent system of interconnected aims and basicss. In fact, the Board has realized the concern of the external users, the people who use the statements so produced, about the credibleness of fiscal coverage in the recent old ages, and has criticized the undermentioned state of affairs[ 2 ]: Several methods of accounting can be used to reflect the same fact. Less conservative accounting methods are more progressively utilizing than earlier. Militias are used to smooth the earning fluctuation. Form is relevant over substance. The direction has used an averment of immateriality to warrant nondisclosure of unfavourable information or goings from criterions. Off-balance-sheet funding is common. To work out the confusion between different criterions and correct the fiscal accounting state of affairs, a conceptual model was promoted. The chief intent of the model is to increase the comprehensibility of fiscal coverage and the assurance of fiscal statement users. A conceptual model can be defined as: ‘A fundamental law, a coherent system of interconnected aims and basicss that can take to consistent criterions and that prescribes the nature, the map, and bounds of fiscal accounting and fiscal statement. The aims indentify the ends and the intents of accounting. The basicss are the implicit in constructs of accounting constructs that guide the choice of events to be accounted for, the measuring of those events and the agencies of sum uping and pass oning to interested parties. Concepts of that type are cardinal in the sense that other constructs flow from them and mention from them will be necessary in set uping, construing and using accounting and coverage criterions. ‘[ 3 ] Figure 1[ 4 ]shows the eight major constituents of the undertaking. Aims Elementss Recognition Measurement Fiscal Statements and Fiscal Coverage Net incomes Fundss Flows and Liquid Accounting Coverage Qualitative FeaturesFigure 1Conceptual Framework for FinancialAccounting and CoverageExhibit 6.3 shows the range of the conceptual model and lists the related paperss issued to 1982 by the FASB.[ 5 ] At the first degree, the aims indentify the end, the intent, the information and the restrictions of accounting. Statement of Financial Accounting Concept No.1 ( Objective Financial Reporting by Business Enterprises ) and No.4 ( Objective Financial Reporting by Non-business Organization ) present these of import elements of accounting for concern endeavors and non-business organisations severally. At the 2nd degree, the qualitative features of fiscal information ( Statement of Financial Accounting Concepts No.2 ) and the elements of fiscal statements ( Statement of Financial Accounting Concepts No.3 ) are included in the basicss. The four chief qualitative features are relevancy, dependability, comparison and comprehensibility which are related to the content of information and how the information is presented. Assetss, liabilities, ownership involvement, additions, losingss, parts by the proprietors and distributions to proprietors are described as the elements of fiscal statements. At the 3rd degree, the accountant uses the operational guidelines in advancing and using accounting criterions which include the acknowledgment standards, fiscal statements versus fiscal coverage and measuring ( Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No.33 ) At the 4th degree, describing net incomes, describing financess flow and liquidness and describing fiscal place are included in the show mechanisms that accountant utilizations to show accounting information ( Elementss of Financial Statements No.3 ) .[ 6 ] In the followers, the chief degrees and constituents in the conceptual model for fiscal accounting will be briefly described.The Objective of fiscal statementsThe Statement of Principles follows the IASC Framework in the designation of seven user groups: Investors, Lenders, Suppliers, Employees, Customers, Government and other bureaus, and Public. The investor group is identified as the primary group for whom the fiscal statements are being prepared. The comptrollers have to make up one's mind the information demands of which group are to be dominant, because there is merely one set of fiscal statements. The in formation should be satisfied in four facets: fiscal public presentation, fiscal place, coevals and usage of hard currency, and fiscal adaptability.[ 7 ]The qualitative features of fiscal informationWhen sing about what makes fiscal information useful, the thought of materiality is the first coming into head. The materiality trial is regarded as a threshold quality for acknowl edgment because there is no demand to be considered farther if any point is non material. Actually, the Statement of Principles contains four qualitative features of fiscal information about the content of information and how the information is presented. The two primary features about the content are relevant and dependable ; the other two related to presentation are apprehensible and comparable.[ 8 ]Recognition and MeasurementHarmonizing to acknowledgment standards, the point is required to run into the definition of an component of fiscal statements and be relevant and dependable. With respect to measuring, the statement recognizes the five different properties of assets and liabilities presented in the treatment, historical cost, current replacing cost, current market value, net colony value and present value of future hard currency flows.[ 9 ]DecisionFrom the Asiatic crisis, it is necessary to work out the open job in the manner of fiscal globalisation due to miss of an account ing theory. Then we trace the development of a conceptual model undertaking of the FASB, the regulator of fiscal accounting and coverage, and why the undertaking is needed. In the followers, briefly introduce the construction of the undertaking and depict the chief constituents in the conceptual model of fiscal accounting.